Archive: Articles

Robots Aren’t Out to Get Your Retail Job
Even as automation spreads, human labor continues to be a key component of the retail market.
Ross Marchand | March 4, 2019
Raymond J. March | March 1, 2019
Protip: If They’re Working to Get You Fired, They’re Not Your Friends
Minimum wages change how workers are compensated.
Art Carden | February 28, 2019
Blame Tech for California’s Housing Problems?
Actually, Most Problems Predate the Tech Boom
Mary Theroux | February 27, 2019
More States Consider Protecting Parents Who Give Kids the Chance to Grow
Given what we now know about mental health risks among young adults and the importance of developing soft skills, it is clear that overprotecting kids today has real costs for their future.
Ben Wilterdink | February 26, 2019
Greater Ambulance Flexibility Can Save Lives and Dollars
Allowing for intensive care on site or transporting patients to urgent care clinics or regular doctors’ offices, can give patients greater peace of mind and save taxpayers billions of dollars.
Ross Marchand | February 25, 2019
Why Do So Many Millennials Embrace Socialism?
If the status quo ain’t sexy, then socialism just might be—or so they hope.
Luka Ladan | February 22, 2019
Automation in the Short and Long-Term
By focusing on workers in the short term, it is clear that we can improve the opportunities automation can bring them in the long term.
Ryan Khurana | February 21, 2019
More Than Strikes, Teachers Need School Choice Programs
Teachers should be fairly compensated and enjoy a healthy workplace, but striking alone is not getting them what they want.
Kristiana Bolzman | February 20, 2019
Richard Vedder | February 19, 2019
Gene Replacement Can be the Cure that Patients—and Taxpayers—Have Been Looking For
Current gene therapies are just the start of a multi-decade effort to revolutionize health care and liberate billions from pain and suffering.
Ross Marchand | February 15, 2019
Let’s Take a Break (From Gov)
When it comes to relationships riddled with debt issues, extreme micromanagement of choices, and crazy spying, nothing comes close to our relationship with government.
Ben Wilterdink | February 14, 2019