Archive: Raymond J. March

Raymond J. March is a Research Fellow and Director of with the Independent Institute. He is also an Assistant Professor of Economics at Angelo State University where he is the Assistant Director of the Free Market Institute, Assistant Research Professor at Texas Tech University, Public Choice and Public Policy fellow with the American Institute for Economic Research, and an affiliated scholar with the Challey Institute for Global Innovation and Growth. His research has appeared in Health Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Public Choice, Research Policy, Food Policy, Journal of Institutional Economics, The Independent Review and other academic outlets. His popular articles have appeared in Fortune, Washington Examiner, National Interest, Washington Times, Sun Sentinel, The Hill, Real Clear Health, and Medical News Daily. He earned his Ph.D. from Texas Tech University.
Full Biography and Publications
San Francisco’s Vaping Ban Is Doomed To Go Up in Smoke
Government efforts to regulate away vices can also motivate more dangerous or unhealthy behaviors.
Raymond J. March | July 6, 2019
Right-to-Try Legislation Helps Patient Battling Bone Cancer
After receiving access to experimental treatments, Natalie’s condition improved substantially.
Raymond J. March | July 2, 2019
FDA Approves Ketamine-Based Drug to Treat Difficult Cases of Depression
Although much work remains to reverse the DEA’s overzealous scheduling system, Ketamine-based treatment for mental illness is another step in the right direction.
Raymond J. March | April 7, 2019
Healthcare Needs Price Competition, Not Just Transparency
Efforts to make healthcare costs more transparent are a good start. But transparency is no substitute for competition.
Raymond J. March | March 28, 2019
Raymond J. March | March 1, 2019
Right-to-Try’s First Rescue
A Patient with Terminal Brain Cancer Gets Treatment
Raymond J. March | February 13, 2019
If Teen Vaping Is Bad, the Alternative Is Worse
The FDA’s efforts to reduce teen vaping rates will likely result in worse health outcomes by prompting teens to switch to smoking cigarettes.
Raymond J. March | January 9, 2019
Evaporating Vaping Options
The FDA Moves to Regulate Away Consumer Choices
Raymond J. March | December 20, 2018
The FDA Loosens the Rules on Saving Lives
A Good Step, but Much More is Needed
Raymond J. March | November 21, 2018
Telemedicine Is Popular: Why Isn’t It Everywhere?
Will telemedicine revolutionize the healthcare industry?
Raymond J. March | September 24, 2018
Medical Apps: Improving Healthcare on a Global Scale
Around 70% of all health problems can be handled online.
Raymond J. March | September 24, 2018
Right-to-Try Is Just What the Doctor Ordered
Right-to-Try opens new doors for terminally ill patients.
Raymond J. March | September 23, 2018