Archive: Francis Crescia

Francis Crescia is a York University graduate with an honors B.A in political science with a business career background as an IT executive and photojournalist. He currently blogs about politics and economics.
Canada’s Digital ID: Promises, Privacy, and Perils
An examination of Canada’s move towards digital credentials
Francis Crescia | June 16, 2023
SBF, the FTX “Crypto Messiah”
Everyone was under the spell of the crypto messiah, but none of the star-studded multimillionaire investors bothered to conduct any due diligence
Francis Crescia | February 9, 2023
Hollywood? No, Ottawa!: The Epidemic of Nepo Babies
Uncovering the dark truth of nepotism in Canadian politics
Francis Crescia | January 25, 2023
The Dark Side of Bill C-11: How it Could Silence Canadian Voices
Will self-censorship replace free speech in Canada?
Francis Crescia | January 6, 2023