Archive: Kristiana Bolzman

Kristiana Bolzman is a Catalyst Policy Fellow and a Young Voices Contributor. She studied Politics and Journalism at Hillsdale College, graduated from The Heritage Foundation's Young Leaders program, was accepted as a Generation Liberty Fellow at the State Policy Network, and has served at Fox News and on Capitol Hill. Her research and writing focuses on education reform and the preservation of civil liberties.
Walking the Line: Free Speech and Ending Anti-Semitism
While noble in intention, the order poses some serious concerns for defenders of free speech.
Kristiana Bolzman | December 24, 2019
Three Encouraging Takeaways from the State of College Admissions
At least in some ways, higher education is learning from its mistakes and is improving its admissions processes for tomorrow’s applicants.
Kristiana Bolzman | December 12, 2019
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from Our Nation’s Report Card
Students' scores suggest that American education is not beyond repair, but it is backsliding at great cost.
Kristiana Bolzman | November 26, 2019
Detroit Right to Literacy Ignores the Potential of School Choice
Choice in education is the more efficient way for students to achieve literacy.
Kristiana Bolzman | November 12, 2019
Academic Freedom Does Not Depend on Federal Grants
Freedom to discuss or teach controversial subjects has not and should not depend on government financial support.
Kristiana Bolzman | October 28, 2019
Three Education Lawsuits Worth Watching
Three cases have the potential to shape the future of religious freedom, due process, and freedom of speech in education
Kristiana Bolzman | October 10, 2019
Interdisciplinary Programs Improve STEM and Shape America’s Future
If we hope to position students for success in the workplace, STEM education alone is not enough.
Kristiana Bolzman | October 1, 2019
College Board Drops Adversity Scores – Now for the SAT
Many accredited colleges and universities have stopped requiring SAT/ACT scores or de-emphasize their use in admissions decisions
Kristiana Bolzman | September 9, 2019
School Voucher Kids More Likely to Graduate From College
Catalyst Policy Fellow Kristiana Bolzman highlights the findings of an important new study over at Choice Media TV.
Kristiana Bolzman | August 30, 2019
“Free” College Systems: 3 Downsides to Consider
While tuition cost may not be a barrier to student success in "free-college" systems, other barriers are well-worth acknowledging.
Kristiana Bolzman | August 26, 2019
3 Challenges Resulting from Oregon’s Student Mental Health Law
Before following Oregon’s example, states should take a second look at the impact on student academic success, mental wellbeing, and skill development.
Kristiana Bolzman | August 5, 2019
3 Improvements to Career and Technical Education Funding
The Department of Education updated a key funding program for career and technical education, but educators should recognize its value even without federal support.
Kristiana Bolzman | July 23, 2019