Archive: Ryan Khurana

Ryan Khurana is a Catalyst Policy Fellow, Executive Director of the Institute for Advancing Prosperity, and a tech policy fellow at Young Voices.
The Indignity of Universal Basic Income
It is easy to see UBI as a policy incentivizing elites to care less and less about the structural problems that affect working class people.
Error and Doubt in Artificial Intelligence Management
Rapid adoption of new technologies without investment in risk avoidance can amplify the magnitude of mistakes down the line.
The Importance of Design Thinking
The world is not made for ideas, be they brilliant technologies or efficient policies, but rather people. Understanding people must come first.
STEM Is Not All That Matters
A holistic focus is essential to delivering sustainable economic growth.
The Age of Versatility
Two of the chief labor market concerns people have when deciding what to study or what career to pursue are automation and inequality.
Innovation Isn’t Just About Tech
Policies targeting specific technologies fail to deliver results for innovation ecosystems by constraining trial and error.
Automation in the Short and Long-Term
By focusing on workers in the short term, it is clear that we can improve the opportunities automation can bring them in the long term.
People, Place, and Automation
Automation has become a source of anxiety for many Americans, with factors such as geography and demographics often being left out of our public debate.
Income Share Agreements and the Future of Education
The recent funding round of Lambda School indicates that a change in education might finally be upon us.
The Double Thank You of Gifts and the Market
“Profit is the gift when creation is perfect.”
Less Ownership
Will a Culture with Less Property be a Challenge for Millennials?