Archive: Columns

How To Reduce Urban Overcrowding
How sprawling cities manage to be more overcrowded than the densest urban jungles
Scott Beyer | October 1, 2020
The USPS Needs to Stop Acting Like the CIA
Transparency would save the post office from being aligned with murkier government agencies
Ross Marchand | September 22, 2020
The Folly of ‘Growth Management’ Policies
The policies raise home prices, hinder urbanization, and may even worsen the “sprawl” they aim to prevent
Scott Beyer | September 10, 2020
Art Deco – an Ode to Urban Glamour
The Jazz Age style is an elegant and retro look that a liberty-urbanist can appreciate
Scott Beyer | August 9, 2020
Almost Heaven: The Jagged Heart of Appalachia
How completely justified tourism could shake up and shine one of America's jewels
Scott Beyer | July 26, 2020
The Incompetence of Mayor Ted Wheeler
The Portland mayor won’t stop—and barely even condemns—violent rioting in his city
Scott Beyer | July 25, 2020
Proptech Has Come to the Real Estate Industry
New technology is impacting the planning, administration, construction and marketing of homes
Scott Beyer | July 12, 2020
What Would Happen Without Parking Requirements?
Cities worldwide are experimenting with less and less parking
Scott Beyer | July 4, 2020
Can Private Intercity Passenger Rail Return to America?
The three projects that would rekindle American train transportation
Scott Beyer | June 30, 2020
Friends of the L.A. River Has An Anti-Urban Vision For It
FOLAR wants to block development in riverfront properties that could otherwise be a great urban space
Scott Beyer | June 18, 2020
Three Ways the Government Blocks Urban Density
Limits on height, floor-area ratio, and dwelling units per acre have tremendous societal costs
Scott Beyer | June 13, 2020