Archive: Nick Zaiac

Nick Zaiac is a Catalyst Policy Fellow and a Fellow in Commercial Freedom at the R Street Institute where his portfolio includes housing, postal and transportation issues. He holds a master's degree in economics from George Mason University. He lives in Washington, DC with his wife, Ali.
Four Ways to Improve Land Use Without Upzoning
Prolonged periods of high rents are a sign that cities haven’t permitted enough potential building space in their most desirable areas.
Nick Zaiac | April 4, 2019
Arizona Considers New Airbnb Regulations
New bill poses threat to Arizona's position as leader in reforming and streamlining regulation.
Nick Zaiac | March 15, 2019
Is “Universal” Zoning Variance an Answer to America’s Housing Shortage?
The policy is a “universal” zoning variance that would waive most land use regulations for projects that fit criteria codified by state or municipal lawmakers.
Nick Zaiac | February 12, 2019
Two Ways Atlanta Can Legalize a Bigger, Better Midtown
Aligning existing zoning with future plans is a political choice for Atlanta policymakers.
Nick Zaiac | January 21, 2019
Nick Zaiac | December 18, 2018
Should Chicago Officials Have the Power to Stop Development Projects?
The power to approve or disapprove of particular projects is a power to determine property rights for landowners.
Nick Zaiac | December 3, 2018
A California Transit Agency Might Help Solve the Housing Crisis
Bill Makes BART City Planner of Last Resort for Station-Adjacent Land
Nick Zaiac | November 8, 2018