Archive: Columns

Illinois Set to Repeal Nuclear Ban
A reversal worth acknowledging, with 11 other states holding similar policies
Paige Lambermont | June 13, 2023
The Final Death Knell of German Nuclear Power
The country just shuttered its final remaining nuclear power plants
Paige Lambermont | April 25, 2023
What the Environmental Quality Index says about Global Freedom
Where Energy is Produced Matters for Human Freedom and The Environment
Paige Lambermont | March 28, 2023
Paige Lambermont | February 21, 2023
Panama City’s Success: A Product of Trade and Liberalization
The city's success is a testament to free markets and openness to trade
Scott Beyer | February 6, 2023
The Folly of Urban Planning in Guatemala City
Guatemala City's “Opportunity District” plan shows the flaws of trying to predict where growth happens
Scott Beyer | January 23, 2023
Latin American Cities Are Underrated
It's clear why many with the option to work remotely are choosing Mexico City as their new home
Scott Beyer | January 16, 2023
How Cities Can Anticipate the E-commerce Boom
Online shopping continues to grow in importance
Scott Beyer | December 6, 2022
NFTS: Like IPOs, but for Everything
Are there still good uses for NFTs? Plenty
Scott Beyer | November 24, 2022
Does Chicago’s Aldermanic System Work?
Chicago’s long-time debate about aldermanic privilege speaks to a larger one about whether city council elections should be ward-based or at-large
Scott Beyer | November 15, 2022
Germany Slow On Nuclear as Winter Looms
Have they finally made a decision?
Paige Lambermont | November 7, 2022
Scott Beyer | October 12, 2022