Archive: Brad Polumbo

Unrest After Breonna Taylor Decision Sabotages Progress
An abundance of research shows that violent protest only undermines a cause in the eyes of the public
Brad Polumbo | October 2, 2020
Kenosha Riots Hit Minority Communities Hardest
Callous disregard of property rights creates long-term instability that scares away business investment and reduces economic opportunity
Brad Polumbo | September 15, 2020
Four Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns
No matter how smart or well-intentioned the lockdowns are, life-threatening mistakes have been made
Brad Polumbo | August 25, 2020
Violence in Portland Is Not ‘Just Property Damage’
Property rights are human rights, and we discard them at our own peril
Brad Polumbo | August 3, 2020
How ‘Self-Censorship’ Hurts Free Speech
Why George Orwell's warning against being silenced is more relevant than ever
Brad Polumbo | July 20, 2020
A Visa Halt Will Freeze Economic Recovery
American workers are not helped by keeping out potential job-creators
Brad Polumbo | June 30, 2020