Archive: Catalyst
Catalyst brings non-partisan, market-based, and community-oriented solutions to young professionals. Focusing on five issue areas, housing, healthcare, education, privacy, and economy, we offer a welcoming community with timely information, new ideas, and practical tools to inspire individuals to become agents of change.
Holcombe’s View on the Growth of Government
Liberty in Peril: Democracy and Power in American History
Remembering the Life of David J. Theroux (1949–2022)
Founder and President, Independent Institute
The Minimum Wage Debate
Does a minimum wage really work to combat poverty and reduce income inequality?
Is Greater Automation Our Friend or Foe?
Tell us what you think!
California’s Housing Crisis
Is the Tech Sector to Blame?
Is America Ready for Democratic Socialism?
Free college, single-payer healthcare, guaranteed jobs, and more! But what's the pricetag?
Federal Student Loans
How Well Does the Program Actually Work?
Does Taxing the Rich Really Work to Improve Equality?
In the name of "fairness" and "equality", many in power propose heavily taxing the rich in order to redistribute their wealth to those among us who are less fortunate. But does this policy actually meet its desired end? Click through to find out!
The California Golden Fleece Award is Announced!
The California Golden Fleece® Awards expose waste, fraud, and abuse in California government, and this quarter, the California Department of Motor Vehicles wins the dishonor!
What Has Driven the Dramatic Reduction in Poverty Worldwide?
Extreme poverty has been dramatically reduced over the past century, but what's behind this reduction? Take our quiz to find out.
Should the U.S. Adopt Universal Basic Income?
With job displacement seemingly growing closer with each advancement in AI, it's a question we'll likely have to answer.