Archive: Scott Beyer

Scott Beyer is a Catalyst Columnist Fellow on a 1.5-year research project through the Global South for Catalyst’s Market Urbanism Around the World series. He is the owner of Market Urbanism Report, a media company that advances free-market city policy. He is also an urban affairs journalist who writes regular columns for Forbes, Governing Magazine,, and Catalyst. Follow him on Twitter: @marketurbanist.
Full Biography and Publications
SFMTA: Improving Mobility or Blocking Competition?
San Francisco Has Seen Various New Private Transport Services Pop Up that Would Make it Easier to Get Around. But the City’s Transportation Agency Thwarts Them.
Scott Beyer | January 23, 2020
When Government Extorts Business
Public Officials Often View Businesses as Piggy Banks that Can Be Hit Up for Any Goodie. But that Just Drives Them Away.
Scott Beyer | January 15, 2020
Upzoning Bills: Free-market Policy or Government Coercion?
The Latest Housing Bills Have Been Mischaracterized as Something that “Forces” Growth onto the Suburbs.
Scott Beyer | January 8, 2020
What’s With All the Empty Condos?
Empty Luxury Units at the Top End of the Market Do Not Signal a Housing Glut.
Scott Beyer | January 1, 2020
Why the New York MTA Should Use Proof-of-Payment
Robust fare Enforcement at Gates May Not Be as Effective as a Transaction-Free “Honor System.”
Scott Beyer | December 25, 2019
How Houston Is Becoming America’s Next Dense City
More Than “Just Sprawl,” Houston’s Lighter Land-Use Regulations Are Helping it Grow Up
Scott Beyer | December 18, 2019
Is There a Model Zoning Code?
Zoning Has Done More Harm than Good in America. But the Code Rewrite in Bastrop, TX Takes Zoning in a More Liberalized Direction.
Scott Beyer | December 11, 2019
Will America Really Experience a Retail Apocalypse?
Proponents of the Theory Ignore Existing Real Estate Data, Along with the Potential for Readapting Old Spaces to New Uses
Scott Beyer | December 4, 2019
The Fauxvironmentalists of San Francisco
Self-styled Climate Activists Throughout the Bay Area Block Dense Infill Housing, Even Though That Increases Sprawl
Scott Beyer | November 27, 2019
Scoot: A Player in the Urban Motorbike Surge
In an Interview With Founder Michael Keating, I Learn About the San Francisco-Based Electric Vehicle Provider, and Its Goal to Spread Across America
Scott Beyer | November 20, 2019
Is Urban America Ready For Mopeds?
Two-Wheeled Electric Mopeds Are Another Key in our Country’s Shift to Micro-Mobility
Scott Beyer | November 13, 2019
Is It Time to Privatize New York City’s Subways?
The New York Subways Are Substandard. Privatizing Them Could Improve Things.
Scott Beyer | November 6, 2019