Archive: Scott Beyer
Scott Beyer is a Columnist Fellow at Independent Institute's Catalyst. He is the owner of Market Urbanism Report, a media company that advances free-market city policy. He is also an urban affairs journalist who writes regular columns for Forbes, Governing Magazine,, and Catalyst. Follow him on Twitter: @marketurbanist.
Full Biography and Publications
Full Biography and Publications
The Many Benefits of Road Pricing
A market-oriented approach to road management would ease congestion, generate revenue, and encourage ridepooling
Should Government Build and Finance Affordable Housing?
“Supply-side” solutions like public housing and LIHTC may seem good on paper, but are flawed in practice
Is Sprawl a Consumer Choice or a Government Mandate?
A market-based look at one of the side effects of urbanization and its tangled roots
The High Cost of Housing Approval Processes
How circuitous approval processes make growth and modernization less likely in highly regulated cities
How To Reduce Urban Overcrowding
How sprawling cities manage to be more overcrowded than the densest urban jungles
The Folly of ‘Growth Management’ Policies
The policies raise home prices, hinder urbanization, and may even worsen the “sprawl” they aim to prevent
Not All Environmental Activism Is the Same
Separating science from quackery is an important step towards environmental progress
Art Deco – an Ode to Urban Glamour
The Jazz Age style is an elegant and retro look that a liberty-urbanist can appreciate
Almost Heaven: The Jagged Heart of Appalachia
How completely justified tourism could shake up and shine one of America's jewels
The Incompetence of Mayor Ted Wheeler
The Portland mayor won’t stop—and barely even condemns—violent rioting in his city
Proptech Has Come to the Real Estate Industry
New technology is impacting the planning, administration, construction and marketing of homes
What Would Happen Without Parking Requirements?
Cities worldwide are experimenting with less and less parking