Archive: Scott Beyer

Scott Beyer is a Columnist Fellow at Independent Institute's Catalyst. He is the owner of Market Urbanism Report, a media company that advances free-market city policy. He is also an urban affairs journalist who writes regular columns for Forbes, Governing Magazine,, and Catalyst. Follow him on Twitter: @marketurbanist.
Full Biography and Publications
Full Biography and Publications
The 3rd World’s Emerging Economic Powerhouses
A look inside the fast population and GDP growth of countries like the Philippines.
Should Global South Megacities Be Decentralized?
Planners in Indonesia and other Third World countries are making sprawling, autocentric plans to supplant their dense cities—repeating America’s past mistakes.
The Anatomy of a Chinese Ghost City
The Chinese build cities that fall way under population projections. Who keeps funding this and why does it happen?
Centralized Versus Decentralized Transit
Various Asian regions show a convenience gap between different styles of mass transport.
Debt Diplomacy: China’s Third World Play
While the U.S. pursues neoconservatism, China is doing nation-building across the Global South.
The Dilemma of Third World Banking
Government banking monopolies have led to an oppressive status quo of inflation, high fees and surveillance of funds. Can the private sector disrupt this?
Does Tourism Really Hurt Third World Cities?
Western criticism of tourism in poor nations ignores the economic stimulus the industry provides.
How Are Roads Used In a Free Market?
The Third World, such as Gurgaon, India, shows how streets function without any government in place to enforce traffic laws.
India’s Urban “Honking Culture”
Drivers in India, like much of the Third World, use horns to navigate hazardous, crowded roads. Should anything be done about it?
Yes, Cities Can Still Achieve Public Order
The Arabian Gulf shows how a mix of religious and government authoritarianism leads to safer cities. But do they go overboard?
The Modernization of Arabia
The wealthy, oil-rich countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council pursue economic openness and extreme growth to diversify beyond energy.
Airline Deregulation Also Succeeds In The Third World
Asia and Latin America prove once again that market liberalization cuts prices and adds options.