Archive: Brad Polumbo

California ‘Hero Pay’ Ordinance Forces Kroger Closures
This result certainly wasn’t what local lawmakers intended, but it was actually quite predictable
Brad Polumbo | February 5, 2021
$15 Minimum Wage Would Reduce Employment
A new paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds a “clear preponderance” of evidence that minimum wage laws reduce employment
Brad Polumbo | January 26, 2021
Exposé Shows UK’s COVID Response Rife with Corruption
Roughly $5 billion in taxpayer money allocated for PPE contracts went to companies connected to government officials
Brad Polumbo | January 3, 2021
Seattle’s ‘Poverty Excuse’ Would Destroy the City
This policy would basically give anyone with a good sob story a green light to violate property rights at will
Brad Polumbo | December 22, 2020
Cancelling Student Debt Benefits Top 20% Over Lower 20%
Student debt forgiveness would overwhelmingly benefit the most well off in America, new economic research shows
Brad Polumbo | December 5, 2020
Nancy Pelosi’s $350M Hidden in COVID Relief Bill
The Democrats included huge cash handouts for wealthy constituents in predominantly liberal areas in their emergency response package
Brad Polumbo | December 1, 2020
Rampant Fraud Exposed Plaguing Stimulus Program
Yet free-spending leaders in Congress are looking to spend trillions more
Brad Polumbo | November 16, 2020
Andrew Cuomo’s NYC COVID Shutdown Makes No Sense
Governor Cuomo has evidently not learned anything from his earlier hubris and misjudgment
Brad Polumbo | November 16, 2020
Trump’s Trade Wars Failed to Restore Manufacturing Jobs
New analysis shows the tariffs helped some manufacturers by hurting others, for a net loss
Brad Polumbo | November 7, 2020
$19 Billion Wasted in Afghanistan Nation-Building
A new report offers a glimpse into one of America's many vastly expensive and failed projects
Brad Polumbo | October 27, 2020
Big Tech’s Problem with the NY Post Hunter Biden
Silicon Valley Tried to censor the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story, instead they the Streisand Effect
Brad Polumbo | October 26, 2020
National Debt Will Explode Under Biden or Trump
A new report shows the national debt just keeps getting worse. There’s only one way to get us out of this mess
Brad Polumbo | October 12, 2020