Archive: Catalyst
Catalyst brings non-partisan, market-based, and community-oriented solutions to young professionals. Focusing on five issue areas, housing, healthcare, education, privacy, and economy, we offer a welcoming community with timely information, new ideas, and practical tools to inspire individuals to become agents of change.
LISTEN: Overpolicing and Rights
Do We Have Enough Policing in the United States?
8 Ways We Can Insure The Uninsured
Is there a way to achieve affordable, universal coverage?
WATCH: Love Gov 2: A License to Kill … Jobs
Episode 3 | Season 2
Welcome to Catalyst!
The internet can be a noisy place. Sometimes just logging into social media feels like stepping onto a battlefield, except nobody knows who’s on which team and what the teams even mean anymore.
LISTEN: The Surveillance State
Lessons From Edward Snowden Case and the NSA
How Much Training Do I Need for This Job?
The government has a lot of good intentions in the job world.
How Much Do You Know About Love Gov: From First Date to Mandate?
Love Gov: From First Date to Mandate tells the story of Alexis and Gov, who is “just here to help.”
WATCH: Love Gov 2: A Room Without a View
Season 2 | Episode 1
WATCH: Love Gov 2: Young, Sick, and Broke
Season 2 | Episode 2
WATCH: Love Gov 2: Spyin’ and Lyin’
Season 2 | Episode 4
WATCH: Love Gov 2: Moving Out and Up
Season 2 | Episode 5
WATCH: Love Gov: Keeping a Close Eye on Privacy
Episode 5 | Season 1