Archive: Columns
The Soft Tyranny of Occupational Licensing
How regulations are hurting Main Street and American entrepreneurship
New York Was Wrong to Close the Indian Point Plant
One year after the power plants closure, the results are clear
Outdoor Dining Should Stay
And why free parking should go
In Defense of Housing Investors
When Invitation Homes, BlackRock, and other corporations buy homes ownership is technically distributed across millions of people
Privatize the New York City Ferry
How New York proves the merit of private transportation
DeSantis’ Illiberal Crackdown on Disney
Florida may put an end to Disney World's self-governance
What are DAOs and Can They Run Cities?
How decentralized autonomous organizations can improve or replace local governance
Where Russian Sanctions Stand
What countries are sanctioning Russia, and how effective are those sanctions?
Do Upzonings Increase Home Prices?
What really keeps getting in the way of building more housing?
Should Public Transit Be Free?
The "dos and don'ts" of economically viable free public transportation
How To Stop Subsidizing Stadiums: Follow the College Model
The “fundraiser” model for stadium expansion is becoming common among colleges seeking new accommodations for sporting events
Tear Down Urban Highways and Bid the Land Out
Urban highways are a legacy of post-war government engineering. If they’re to be razed and reimagined, let’s bring market thinking to the process