Archive: Scott Beyer

Scott Beyer is a Columnist Fellow at Independent Institute's Catalyst. He is the owner of Market Urbanism Report, a media company that advances free-market city policy. He is also an urban affairs journalist who writes regular columns for Forbes, Governing Magazine,, and Catalyst. Follow him on Twitter: @marketurbanist.
Full Biography and Publications
The Modernization of Arabia
The wealthy, oil-rich countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council pursue economic openness and extreme growth to diversify beyond energy.
Scott Beyer | October 16, 2023
Airline Deregulation Also Succeeds In The Third World
Asia and Latin America prove once again that market liberalization cuts prices and adds options.
Scott Beyer | October 9, 2023
Is Dubai a YIMBY Success Story?
The wealthy emirate builds a lot, but is not a free housing market - and falls short of what it needs.
Scott Beyer | October 2, 2023
United Arab Emirates: A Pro-Immigrant Powerhouse
The UAE is “a nation of immigrants," and has become one of the world’s top economies
Scott Beyer | September 25, 2023
Tribalism And Urban Development: A Rough Mix
Lack of formal land ownership and tribal tradition pose challenges for property rights and development in the Third World
Scott Beyer | September 18, 2023
The Difference Between First and Third World Urbanism
Third World cities are less planned, more chaotic. But that’s not inherently bad.
Scott Beyer | September 11, 2023
The Rise of African Telecom
Rapid expansion of fiber, satellite, and mobile technology are improving day-to-day life in Africa - much of it thanks to private investment.
Scott Beyer | September 4, 2023
The Ingenuity of Third World Ridesharing
While commercial carpooling drags along in the U.S., there's much competition and innovation in the developing world.
Scott Beyer | August 28, 2023
Central Africa’s Singapore
Rwanda - namely its capital city Kigali - shows another case of the upsides versus downsides of authoritarian rule.
Scott Beyer | August 21, 2023
Ethiopia: No Property Rights, Much Chaos
Constant human reshuffling within Addis Ababa shows how hard life is when governments own all the land.
Scott Beyer | August 14, 2023
The Emergent Urbanism Of Nairobi
The city’s working-class areas show the urban typologies that fill in assuming strong market demand and limited government oversight.
Scott Beyer | August 7, 2023
Makoko: The City on Stilts
The Nigerian fishing village is a place of danger but also entrepreneurial spirit and governing autonomy.
Scott Beyer | July 31, 2023