Archive: Scott Beyer

Scott Beyer is a Columnist Fellow at Independent Institute's Catalyst. He is the owner of Market Urbanism Report, a media company that advances free-market city policy. He is also an urban affairs journalist who writes regular columns for Forbes, Governing Magazine,, and Catalyst. Follow him on Twitter: @marketurbanist.
Full Biography and Publications
Tourist Visas: A Path To Corruption
Third World countries sabotage their goal of attracting tourists and investors by making it difficult for either group to enter.
Scott Beyer | July 24, 2023
The Challenge Of Being An Island Nation
Sao Tome knows the logistical hurdles of being small and remote. Can economic liberalization improve things?
Scott Beyer | July 17, 2023
Kigali ‘Mototaxis’: Fast, Cheap, Ubiquitous Transport
Residents traverse the Rwandan capital by choosing among 30,000 motorcycle drivers.
Scott Beyer | July 10, 2023
The Third World: A Massive Shadow Economy
Two decades after Hernando de Soto’s The Mystery of Capital, little has changed about economic systems in the developing world.
Scott Beyer | July 3, 2023
Africa’s Free-Market Bus Systems
Entrepreneurs, not government, provide this crucial service. Yet the difference between systems in Kenya vs. South Africa shows the service diversity throughout the continent.
Scott Beyer | June 26, 2023
The Agrarian Urbanism of Africa
The informal, small-scale commerce that dominates African cities is enabled by farming and other agrarian activity that happens within cities themselves.
Scott Beyer | June 19, 2023
Lusaka and the Failure of the “Garden City”
A utopian social experiment mixed with segregation has impoverished Zambia’s capital.
Scott Beyer | June 12, 2023
The Poverty of Madagascar
Government policy is a huge factor, but it’s also something that can be reversed.
Scott Beyer | June 5, 2023
Johannesburg: Where Apartheid Never Ended
Three decades later, the city and country are still extremely segregated.
Scott Beyer | May 29, 2023
How South Africa’s Energy Crisis Brings The Country Down
Its overburdened monopoly power supply needs expansion to meet the population’s needs.
Scott Beyer | May 22, 2023
What Mexico City Can Teach the U.S. About Parklets
In a city of low car ownership and small retail storefronts, parklets expand seating capacity.
Scott Beyer | May 15, 2023
Latin America’s Food Delivery Wars
Market competition drives delivery prices down, while government protectionism does the opposite for rideshare.
Scott Beyer | May 8, 2023