Archive: Scott Beyer

Scott Beyer is a Catalyst Columnist Fellow on a 1.5-year research project through the Global South for Catalyst’s Market Urbanism Around the World series. He is the owner of Market Urbanism Report, a media company that advances free-market city policy. He is also an urban affairs journalist who writes regular columns for Forbes, Governing Magazine,, and Catalyst. Follow him on Twitter: @marketurbanist.
Full Biography and Publications
What are DAOs and Can They Run Cities?
How decentralized autonomous organizations can improve or replace local governance
Scott Beyer | May 6, 2022
Do Upzonings Increase Home Prices?
What really keeps getting in the way of building more housing?
Scott Beyer | May 2, 2022
Should Public Transit Be Free?
The "dos and don'ts" of economically viable free public transportation
Scott Beyer | April 21, 2022
How To Stop Subsidizing Stadiums: Follow the College Model
The “fundraiser” model for stadium expansion is becoming common among colleges seeking new accommodations for sporting events
Scott Beyer | April 14, 2022
Tear Down Urban Highways and Bid the Land Out
Urban highways are a legacy of post-war government engineering. If they’re to be razed and reimagined, let’s bring market thinking to the process
Scott Beyer | April 7, 2022
How To Make America’s Supply Chain More Resilient
Improvements can be made to our warehouses, transportation grid, ports, and more
Scott Beyer | March 29, 2022
The Future of the Truck Stop
What will become of fuel stations in an electric, automated world?
Scott Beyer | March 17, 2022
The Market Wants Walkable Streets
Business coalitions, notably the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, believe streets designed for people rather than cars are good for the bottom line
Scott Beyer | March 10, 2022
When Will We Get Automated Buses?
The question gets more pressing as transit agencies face precarious finances and an intractable driver shortage
Scott Beyer | March 4, 2022
America’s Upzoning Bills Are Already Creating More Housing
While the bills getting passed in cities and states nationwide seem minor, market forces have acted on them
Scott Beyer | February 28, 2022
The Rise of a Libertarianism 2.0
The movement has long been about promoting freedom and decentralization. But increasingly, it is about realizing these ideals through technology.
Scott Beyer | February 18, 2022
Zoning Is in the Way of Tiny Homes Driving Down Prices
A libertarian law firm tries to reverse the egregious ban on small construction in one Georgia city
Scott Beyer | February 10, 2022